
If you’re curious about what mindfulness is and prefer learning in a one-on-one setting, private sessions are a good option for you. Together we will discuss your reasons for wanting to practice mindfulness and the ways in which you hope to benefit. You will learn formal and informal mindfulness practices that can help you improve your life by cultivating greater awareness of thoughts and habitual ways that may no longer serve you. You will receive audio recordings of guided meditations to support your home practice and handouts to help weave mindfulness into your daily life. 


Attendees will learn both formal and informal mindfulness practices to become more aware of their mind-body state and to better understand and work with the stressors in their lives. One unique aspect to the group setting is how much we can learn from one another’s experiences through group discussion. Attendees will receive weekly audio recordings of guided meditations, as well as handouts to support their mindfulness practice and increasingly bring the practice of mindfulness into their lives. 


A workplace mindfulness program can help to enhance job performance and satisfaction. This can result in a feeling of connection among colleagues and an improvement in communication, which strengthens relationships and achieves optimal results for clients. Workshops, as well as a 6-Week Program based on Jon Kabat-Zinn’s Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Program, are available. 

Workshops may be woven into the workday, such as lunchtime, where attendees may gain an understanding of mindfulness, its benefits, and the ways in which they can incorporate it into their professional and personal lives. 

The 6-Week Program consists of attendees meeting for an orientation session then once a week, for six consecutive weeks. Attendees will learn mindfulness tools to better manage stress, improve communication with colleagues and clients, and develop resiliency as a team for greater wellbeing and work performance. 

CLE (Continuing Legal Education)

This is a great way to earn CLE credit and also learn about mindfulness and the ways in which it can help improve management of anxiety and the stressors associated with the demands of being an attorney. Attendees will learn both formal and informal practices that can be incorporated into daily life to reduce reactivity, improve communication with colleagues and clients and cultivate greater satisfaction both within and outside of the legal sector. Additionally, attendees will receive handouts to support their mindfulness practice and increasingly bring the practice of mindfulness into their lives. 


Pregnancy is full of joy and excitement, but can sometimes feel overwhelming. The mind may get caught up in the uncertainty of the future, concerns about your wellbeing and the wellbeing of your baby, the actual birthing experience, or fears of what life may be like once your little one enters the world. Mindfulness practices can help you to gain deeper awareness of your thoughts, body, and mood states. This creates the possibility of giving greater care to your baby and loved ones. The practices also help to develop greater self-care, which can so easily get pushed aside in the busyness of this time. Through formal practices, such as a body scan, meditation on awareness of breath and mindful movement, you will learn ways in which you can more deeply embrace your pregnancy with greater trust, patience, kindness and compassion. 

Parenting and Family

Becoming a parent is one of life’s greatest gifts, and also a great responsibility. As parents, we hold very full schedules tending to our childrens’ needs, work demands, caring for family members and friends, and often neglecting our own emotional and physical needs. Consequently, it’s easy to fall into autopilot mode, where we are constantly doing, doing, doing and rarely stopping to simply be. Living in this way can make us susceptible to reactivity towards our children and others. Through the formal and informal practices of mindfulness, we can cultivate attitudes of kindness, compassion, patience and non-judgment towards ourselves and others so that we can open to the present moment with non-reactivity. We learn how to be with the unfolding of stressful situations, enabling us to respond in more skillful ways towards our children, as well as ourselves. 


For many people, retirement is viewed as a time to finally kick back and enjoy life. But, for some people, the transition from a busy lifestyle to what may be a less hectic one can bring on feelings of uncertainty and thoughts about the future or the past. As we age, we may be faced with health issues, financial concerns or the loss of a loved one. The stress of all of this can cause us to miss out on what is here in the present moment. Mindfulness helps us to drop-in to the present moment, accept what is, and be open to the experience with kindness and compassion. Through both formal and informal practices, we learn how to be less stressed to support our emotional and physical needs.